Wednesday, February 18, 2009

life in the fast lane

Heading to Sevilla and Córdoba for the weekend was yet again a priceless experience. Beyond catching a 24 flu and projectile vommiting nearly 5-7 times the trip was unforgettable! Haha, sorry foe the details, but its my blog right?? Well anyways, yes the south of Spain was fantastic. Our program flew us to Sevilla where we then stayed in a hotel for the weekend, and sight saw non-stop. We saw the world's largest gothic cathedral, the Alcazar Palace, Plaza Espanya, and much more. In Córdoba we went and checked out the Famous Mosque/Mezquita (check this link out for awesome info), and this was mind-blowing. The amount of information I learned at La Mezquita about the ancient times involving the Christians, Muslims, and Jews was spectacular. Simply being present there was an awesomeee. The trip was amazing, between the weather, the people I was with (friends from my program) to the night-life, I couldn't have gotten more out of my trip. One big thing I am realzing from this traveling is that I also love Barcelona so much. Every weekend, I am so excited to return "home" and this is a great thing. Therefore, a weekend get-a-way is always amazing, but living in the center of Barcelona, one of the best cities in the world is truly an experience of a lifetime. Now, I am off to London for the weekend. Life is the fast-lane truly, as in that time is flying and every moment in Europe is one to remember.